Hurricane Sandy blew through our neighborhood last weekend - and when I say blew, I'm talking wind speeds of up to 100 mph. Whew. Hold on to your hats. Because we had that Nor'easter back in July that knocked down trees and took out our power for the better part of a week, there weren't too many dead/weak trees for Sandy to demolish. Sure - she took out some street signs, and the flood waters left many a road impassable, but for the most part, our home remained unscathed. We were without power again for 4 days, and this time, when I say I'm going to buy a generator, my hubster will NOT say .... I'll get around to it LOL Speaking of the hubster - he was supposed to return last Sunday from his 6 week stint in Egypt - but decided Friday nite to stay another couple of weeks. I knew he was taking care of family difficulties, so I didn't mention to him the monstrous size of the impending storm. He'd find out after the fact. He's been o...