Good Bye 2013
It's been a great year. I didn't lose the weight I wanted, and we had some very rough patches as a family, but we made it through, lots of tears might have been shed, but we are still together as a family, and still working it out. I didn't hit many personal goals, I'm not as organized as I want to be, but my home is slowly coming along. I took the first steps - I started throwing away furniture that was well beyond it's life span. Well beyond. Like it should have been thrown away 5 years ago. Like I was embarrassed that the trash men had to pick it up and put it in the truck. Paperwork - when it comes to my desk, I take care of it. I bought a scan-snap ... best thing I think I've ever purchased - this year - not much paperwork is going up to the attic, it's getting scanned and shredded - love it. It will always be available at my fingertips - and I back up my computer each day - so no chances of losing it ! All 4 kids went to school t...