Can the Internet Make Your Life Better ??
But somedays I sit down - and wham - 2 hours have gone by. Sure, thanks to FB I know what all my friends are doing. I know that I've killed over 250 people on Mafia Wars. I know that I delete way more emails then I actually open, and I know I've saved thousands of dollars shopping online - but the more I think about it - the more I realize, that I can use the internet for way more than just saving money and entertainment.
This week -
NEWO - I have this No Excuse Work Out software - I can track my workouts online, have access to a personal trainer - everything. So I'm going to use it. Today I logged on - with my current weight (YIKES!) and started fresh from day one.
Menus - I've been a member of Saving Dinner for soooo long, I probably have enough menu's stored up to cook thousands of different meals - now is the time to start incorporating them into some type of database so that when chicken is on sale - I can punch in chicken and get 5 new recipes. There is a web site that hosts Menu Plan Monday - lots of ideas there as well.
Cleaning - OK, now that I'm just about finished with college (1 more week - never thought I'd see the day when I'd have my very own diploma to hang in my office) anyway, it's time to concentrate on making my home wonderfully clean - all the way down to the baseboards (which are horribly dusty right now). So what better way then FlyLady? I already have my notebook ready to go.
So - Mondays are always great days to start - but I'm going to "practice" getting back on track by starting where I am now. I'll be checking in more regularly - if you post a follow up - I'll follow up on you too!