Jan. 29 - Crock Pot Bottom of the Round
Bad weigh in last Saturday - I deserved it though - can't eat chocolate every day, then expect to loose weight. That, plus eating pasta the night before weigh in - not smart at all. Course, didn't change much, came home and had pizza for dinner the next night. You wonder why I haven't learned yet. 2 years of Weight Watcher meetings - I KNOW what I'm doing wrong - yet I continue to do it. A friend suggested I try Core for awhile - I know I can do low carb - I lost about 50 lbs on Atkins years ago (before I ended up with emergency gallbladder surgery in Egypt LOL). I'll try and be REALLY good while I'm in Floriday (did I mention I'm leaving tomorrow with ALL 4 kids, BY MYSELF?). We'll have a blast - I'm taking them to the Nickeloden Hotel - course, they don't know that yet ;) Anyway - since we won't be here this week - no weekly menu. For dinner tonight I'm doing a Bottom of the Round Roast so dh will have plenty of leftovers for a few days...