Happy New Year -

My word for the year is Waste ... as in too much ...

too much food ....
too much stuff ....
too much time .....
too much emotion .....

In my house - we waste entirely too much of one of these items on a daily basis. While we don't usually throw food away, we waste too many of our calories on food that does little good for our bodies. We waste too much stuff - we buy things, play with them or wear them for a little while, and then into the closet they go. Time is a big one - I can sit at the computer in the morning intent on doing some paperwork, and then wham .... 3 hours later I've accomplished very little except checked to see what all my friends had accomplished. And emotion - how many of my emotions are wasted on people I really don't care much about, and how many times do I keep my emotions all bottled up around people I do care about. Why not let those people really know how much they mean to me? If you're reading this post - know that you are indeed one of those people that mean more to me than I'll ever let you know. Perhaps because I was raised not to show emotions ? Not really sure, and I'm not going to WASTE and TIME to try and figure out why I am how I am, I'm just going to change what I can - and work on being the best me I can be. Seems simple enough.


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