Design Wall Monday

 Another week flew by, wish time would slow down ! I did get some sewing in this weekend - not much, but a few more star blocks for my black/batik quilt. I think only 6 more to go before I can start figuring out the layout using the garden maze blocks I made last year ... should be interesting. I love the colors, so it can't be all that bad !

To see what others are working on this week - Check out Patchwork Times

And the fish made it through another winter - all 10 of them.  They are getting a tad bit too big for our backyard pond - I think pretty soon we'll have to dig out a new pond for them ... I love how they come to the door step the minute they hear my footsteps ~


Chris said…
Great star blocks. Nice colors.
Great blocks. And your fish make me want to do something in black, gray and orange and white. While typing that I thought oh, no Halloween but the fish don't make me think of that at all.

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