
Showing posts from December, 2007

Last Week In Egypt

One more week left - and I'm ready to go home. We still haven't left dh's hometown. It was ok for the first couple of weeks - but now I'm feeling smothered. Yes, we have our own apartment here - but it's only 2 bedrooms - much smaller then "home". Plus, we do most of our eating at MIL's - and I miss my own cooking LOL. We have done some shopping - got a couple wonderfully warm robes for myself, and 4 pairs of shoes. Seems big feet are not all that rare in Egypt - nice. Got some clothes for the girls as well. They stopped swimming a couple weeks ago - seems like the outside pool finally got too cold for them. The coach called last week to let us know it was being heated - but I'm wondering just how they heat an Olympic size outdoor pool??? I know we will spend a couple days in Cairo - we have to return our minivan to storage - and we usually do that 2 days before we are scheduled to leave - in case of problems. We'll take the chance to...