Menu Plan Monday

AS always, after checking out all my new recipes this week (it's so great to be able to type with 2 hands - oh, did I mention - I got my cast off on a Friday - the following Monday, dd #2 broke her wrist - I think I'm putting our Ortho Doctors 3 boys through college all by myself !) - anyway - click on the Menu Plan Monday icon above, and check out tons of other blogs who are also doing Menu Plans on Monday !!
Sunday – bbq chicken thighs w baked taters and roasted asparagus with tahini dressing (Marinate Chicken Breast for Tomorrow !!)
TuesdayMeatloaf and mashed taters with garlic
Thursday - Large Salads with Baked Macaroni and Cheese
Friday - leftovers !!!


Adrienne said…
Your meatloaf sounds great. My hubby loves BBQ sauce. I will be adding this receipe to my list. Thanks.
Unknown said…
Gesh,you must have the doctor's phone number on speed dial.
You have some terrific menu picks! Yummy!
I agree with Rona, you must have your ortho on speed dial! That's crazy!

Your menu looks great!


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