Design Wall Monday

Didn't get much time to sew this weekend, but knowing that Design Wall Monday was right around the corner, and I didn't contribute anything to Patchwork Times last week - I found enough time to work through the first block of my EQ quilt.  Made the first one up in scraps, to make sure I had measurements right.  Then had to change a few pieces so I wouldn't have set in seams to work with.   Seams didn't line up 100% right, but I knew what needed to be changed, so I went right to the real fabric -

And I am very happy with the results.  It went together quicker than I thought, and since the other blocks are 9 patches, this entire quilt should go together pretty quickly - at least until I get to the borders !  And in case you forgot what the finished quilt WILL look like .... (God willing)


Tamera said…
It's going to be a beautiful quilt.
Jo said…
This looks really fun. I love quilts with exciting borders. They really set the whole quilt off. You aqua color really makes it POP!
Quilter Kathy said…
Lovely blocks! See how having the design wall monday motivated you with this project?!?!?!
Teaquilts said…
Love how the block sparkles. Will be a magnificent quilt.
Chris said…
I love the black in the blocks. It always sets off the other colors so well. This is going to be quite a stunning quilt.
Vicki H. said…
That looks so good and the black fabric just sparkles!! What a great design and I think it will look like your envisioned design!
Sarah said…
Both blocks are beautiful!
Nina Marie said…
love the blocks - I also find Design wall motivating!!
Valerie said…
I love the black starry night background you are using with those gorgeous blocks! Do you have a name for this quilt yet?

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