
I usually wait for a Hungry Girl coupon code to buy these - but noticed this morning I was down to less than a dozen of these. Since they are my "go to" breakfast - it's time to stock up.

Buy 24 & get 12 FREE
That's a value of $16.00 discounted at checkout!

You pay only $29.99 for 36 VitaTops-- that's less than $0.85 each.
1.Select 24 VitaTops of your choice

2.12 FREE DeepChocolate VitaTops will automatically be added to your cart.

3.Your 12 FREE VitaTops (valued at $16.00) will be discounted at checkout.*
* Note: If coupon does not automatically apply then use coupon code EREYTYQ at checkout.

You Can Lose Weight Eating Muffins?

Vitalicious VitaMuffins Promo


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