Happy Birthday -

So hard to believe I'm the mom of a teenager now. Sigh. Where does time go?

She chose a beautiful cake - I was a bit hurt that she didn't ask for a homemade one - but since the weather was so beautiful yesterday (in the upper 60's - in December!) - I didn't want to be stuck inside anyway ! See the Pooh Bear? I bought that for her first birthday. We've used it on almost every one of her cakes over the years - it hasn't really burned that much - I wonder if I can still use the same candle when she hits 21??

Her main gift - the laptop - hasn't arrived yet, but she still had a few gifts to open. I was surprised when she actually liked the pj's I got her !

And of course, no one around here can have a birthday without the little man receiving something. Actually - since he hadn't received an Eid gift yet from Daddy - that's what he got to open - and he hasn't stopped playing with it since !


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