First 5K !

Yesterday I ran my first 5K. There was a dude there taking pics, so I'm hoping he'll email them to me later so I can share - but I did finish ! It wasn't pretty, I was pretty sweaty, and in a tad bit of pain, but I was shooting to make it under 45 minutes, and I came in at 40 minutes and 56 seconds.

Already have the next 5K scheduled for August. That one will be on the beach, so I'm not sure how the times will compare - but it'll be fun !

Off to my WW meeting. Scale at home wasn't very encouraging. Looking back through my food journal, I noticed a couple days when my journaling was shabby - so I deserve whatever I get. Plus, only made it to the gym 3 days last week - so mini-goal this week is to go at least 5 days.

Edited to add the pictures - me and my peeps - thanks guys for telling me I could do this, and being there with me while I did !


Anonymous said…
Go girlfriend go!!! You looked like you had a lot of fun.
cellomom said…
Wow! Good for you!

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