Design Wall Monday

Wow - the last day of Jan, 2011.  Time is certainly flying by !  This week, I've got plenty to show for my DWM - while dh is still stuck in Egypt, I've been keeping my hands occupied so that my mind doesn't wander to places it shouldn't go.  Last I spoke to him, he had made it safely to the airport, and is expecting to fly out today - praying that everything works out that way !

 Anyway - on my design wall this week are some of the stars I've been working on. Last week, one of the other bloggers that posted on the DWM hosted by Judy at Patchwork Times posted a link to the quilt that was on her design wall - and I immediately knew I'd make that quilt and surround it with my maze blocks that I posted last week. So, thanks to Kate and her blog Life in Pieces -  I've gotten the first 2 stars done !

The pattern can be found at the Coun'try Junk'tion web page.

I also used the scraps from my SIL's quilt that I completed last year, to make 2 pillows for the sofa.  They look much better stuffed.  And the big news is ...
Ah well, you'll just have to wait until next Monday - but I'll give you a hint ...


Quilter Kathy said…
Sewing is a great activity to do so you don't worry as much while your DH is travelling. Just keep making those great stars!
Karen S said…
Nice job on the piecing!
Chris said…
I used to sew a lot when my husband travel a lot I got loads of sewing done. I love your star blocks.
Valerie said…
Glad to hear hubby and family are safe and well! Love the projects.... both will be gorgeous.
I love star blocks and those are especially pretty.
Laura said…
It all looks fabulous!!!
Kate said…
Beautiful star blocks. I like the brights with the black background. Glad you likeed the pattern. Also like your sofa pillows, very pretty.
Alycia said…
Those are great stars!
Marti said…
I haven't been online lately due to weather, but I've been thinking about you & your family. I didn't know your dh was there right now, or if I did, I forgot. I hope he is out of there now and on his way home. How is the rest of his family there?

Love the pinwheel star!

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