Design Wall / Table

It's been awhile since I had something new on my design wall/table. Each Monday - Judy from Patchwork Times hosts a Design Wall Monday - check out all the other design walls - inspirational. This weekend I worked on a Bento Block swap that I'm doing with my cyber friends. We are doing it in 2 different colorways - one is pink and brown, the other blue and brown. I finished 7 of the pink and brown before I ran out of the pink I was using, so while searching for another pink - it hit me that there was an easier way to do these blocks then by cutting them out one by one. One couldn't I make a cottage block - and cut it in 4's? Took a little math to figure out what size the first cuts should be - but I figured it out - and ended up with 8 inch mini-blocks which can be put together for 15.5 inch blocks, which will finish at 15" - just what I wanted! Anyway - here is the first blocks

And here is how I cut my second set of blocks which was much easier -

From the pink and brown
cut - 1 - 6" x 6"
4 - 3" x 11"
2 - 3" x 6'
2 - 3" x 16"

Take the 6" block and surrounded it by first the 3" X 6" on each side of the opposite color, and then the 3" x 11" of the same color - so they'll end up like this -

then put the next row on of the opposite colors -

Be careful when you put on the last 3 x 11 that it isn't right on top of the other 3 x 11 of the other color - you want to cover the 2 seams you had for a stronger block.

Then - simply cut them in 4's. Mine ended up at 8" square - but I sew with a less than 1/4" seam - so adjust as needed. AFter you cut in 4's you can rearrange just like a bento box pattern

Pretty neat - eh? And way much quicker then cutting out the bento blocks piece by piece. Tomorrow I'm going to work on the blue / brown colorway - but I think I may use a much darker brown ....

Gotta go check the stash.

found some stash I can use - finished the first 2 blocks - I think I'm going to like the blue/brown better then the pink/brown ... but maybe when all the different pinks are put together - it'll make an awesome quilt. Still debating on mixing the 2 colors in the same quilt.

Edited on Monday morning - had lots of fun with this block over the weekend - making it the way I posted was so much quicker - I ended up finishing all the blocks needed for the swap - A MONTH EARLY - imagine that !

I do like the combo blue/brown better then the pinks - but maybe once I receive back all the different pinks in the mix - it'll look better. Now back to a normal day of homeschooling ....sigh.


Brenda said…
Look forward to seeing the other swap blocks and how they all go together.
Brenda said…
Well!!! At first I could not figure out what you were doing!!??!! What???!!! you are using a 6" square in the middle of the other color?? (I kept looking at what you were doing to the blk you were 'making' and could not figure out what you were talking about!!! mornings are not my friend!! lol!!) Anyways, I kept reading and the light bulb (finally!!) went on!!! THAT IS SO COOL!!!! And the blks look great!!! And it would be way fast - and they look GREAT!!!
And you are finished a month early.... well, what kind of trouble are you going to get yourself into with all this spare time???? ;-)
Quilter Kathy said…
Very cool! I like both colour ways and both ways of sewing the block!

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