Design Wall Monday

It's been awhile since I posted my design wall "table" - but when I was doing it - I seemed to find more thyme to sew since I wanted to show progress each week. I've been working still on SIL's quilt - it would go much, much faster if I actually liked the fabric I was working with. Also had to stop and make a baby quilt - top is done - need to scrub the kitchen floor so I can sandwich it and get it quilted and delivered (baby was born last Wednesday).

Anyway - thanks Judy at Patchwork Times for inspiring me to post a picture of my "wall" -

And since it's the beginning of August - we are back to school - so the design "wall" turns into a school table - note the books which are taking up more than their share of space

I keep telling myself "before I know it, they'll all be grown and gone, and I'll have 4 empty bedrooms to spread out in, maybe even own a longarm !" But I'm sure when that time comes, I'll be sad to see them go !


Unknown said…
I love the blocks - how many total? They look pretty time consuming . . .
Quilter Kathy said…
Wonderful'll be a great quilt!

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