Visit One with the Nutrionist

DD#1 and I had our first visit with the nutrionist. Interesting. We decided between us that we are going to "boot camp" it - start 100% day one. What's that mean? No more poptarts. No more 100 calorie snacks. In short, no more empty calories. I made an excel chart up for what we are supposed to eat - and how often. Going to see if I can post it or at least link it here. Ends up eating 5 times a day. Can easily work this right into my WW plan - we go back next week to see how we're doing and fine tune it. My job is to make sure there is enough there for her to choose from. I know we have oranges, strawberries, bananas and apples as fruits. Carrots, tomatoes, cukes, and lettuce will start for veggies, although I also have fresh asparagus in the fridge (she doesn't like asparagus). We also must watch our portion size. Will check in later - she said she has lots of recipes to share - smoothies and cookies - so I'll be posting lots of new recipes in the near future - stay tuned !


Anonymous said…
Good for you guys. Post some of your new yummy snack and recipes.

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