A Fresh Start

Didn't do so well this a.m. at WW - up almost 3 lbs. Course, I can't really blame it on my Texas trip - I think I probably put it on the week before I went - because I KNEW I wasn't going to have to weigh in that weekend. Gotta get my mind frame right, because then the rest will just fall into place.

Still can make my end of June goal - I have 10 weeks to loose 20 lbs - so yes, that's 2 lbs a week - without fail - but I can, and will, do it.

Dell's 10 days of deals started the other day. I missed some good ones. With 4 desktops and a laptop in the house - you'd think that'd be enough - but of course, ds now wants his own - and I'll probably get him one for his birthday. Too bad our old one died.

Here's the link for Dell

Dell Home Days of Deals

every day they have new deals - I'll take the link down when the 10 days are up.

Gotta go figure out my day, so I can work in some sewing time, and treadmill time. With swimming and softball - it's hard to carve out time for me, plus get dinner on the table, do laundry, and keep the house clean, but I'll manage.



Anonymous said…
Joycee was here and left this a.m. I posted about it on my blog.

You can do it...your weight loss, your eating, your house and all you do. I'm proud to call ya my GOOD friend.


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