Summer is almost over :(

Reading through a friends blog this a.m. - realized her's was so much better because she shared photos of her daily life - so here's Adam swimming - hard to believe this little man started out in life smaller then a lb of butter !!!

Struck me this early a.m. that summer is almost over. I got out of bed early to watch the lunar eclipse. Of course, since our property is surrounded by pretty tall trees, I had to keep moving around a bit - but I saw it. Not as amazing as watching stars streaking across the sky - but does stop you in your tracks and you wonder how people can believe that there isn't a higher being holding all these things in place. God certainly is awesome.

U.S. Open - pretty big tennis family here. Was watching last night. Really impressed with the young girl who played Serena Williams (not a favorite player of mine). She will definately be someone to watch in the next few years as she gets more matches under her belt. Watching these girls swing, really wants me to get my girls back on the court. Not only is it an excellent workout - but with the strength my girls have - if they could get their footwork together - they could really be good.

Schoolwork. DD is finishing up 5th grade - right on schedule. I guess if she was in public school she would only be going INTO 5th grade because of her birthday - but she's not as far ahead as she used to be. #2 is doing well, and #3 is just starting to realize her potential. We do need to work on reading with #2 and #3, but since Pizza Hut Book-It coupons just arrived in the mail - we're all set ! The local Institute of Tech is offering Spanish classes for the next 12 weeks - I'm signing dh up - he deals with so many workers and tenants that speak little to no Spanish - and it gets to be a pain for him to call me to translate for him - so now he'll be on his own. He'll make a good student, I'm sure !

Ramadan is quickly approaching. 30 days of fasting. Days will be longer than last year - but not too bad. In a few more years, when Ramadan is during June/July and the days are sooooo long, it will really be tough ! Need to think of something special to do for the girls this Ramadan. Last year we did 30 days of gifts - might do that again. Will definately be planning special meals.


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