Back on Track - Dell Deals

Another week and half has gone by - but - the workers are out, and my house is slowly getting back on track. I've put together my gym that has sat in my office for 2+ years (dh lost all the original nuts and bolts in our move). I bought this gym before I got married, so it's pretty old, but it's computerized, and still works wonderfully. I also put a TV in my office - will run a cable under the house over the weekend and get it hooked up. Hopefully with that in here - I'll work out longer. Maybe I'll even move my treadmill in here again. Even made dh his own "desk" area - so he can stop dumping his paperwork everywhere. Hopefully that will all help.

Soccer camp is almost over - it's been a rough week - running from here to there, swimming, soccer and school. Adam will be finished with school at the end of the month - another whew. I did get to meet his teacher last week - it's the same teacher he'll have next year - and I like her - so that's a plus. Swimming is also over at the end of the month - so we'll have 4 weeks to concentrate on school and relaxing at home. Already priced curriculum for next year - looking at a $3500 bill - but I can spread it out over a few months - so that'll help.

Weight Watchers - had to switch back to Flex - Core just gave me too much stress to decide when I was hungry and when I wasn't. I've had small losses the last 2 weeks, so at least the scale is moving back in the right direction. Need to get back to planning my menu's out ahead of time - cause thats when I do my best.

One thing new we've tried this week - Whole Tilapia was on sale at Shoprite (tomorrow is the last day). I've gotten some fresh dill and cilantro, and stuffed it along with some freshly peeled garlic. Rubbed a bit of olive oil on the outside with salt and pepper, wrapped it in some heavy duty tin foil and threw it on a hot grill. 10 minutes each side - and its an excellent dinner along with some steamed rice. I ended up buying an entire case yesterday - may go back tomorrow and get some more.

Dell Deals - need 2 computers for dd #2 and #3. They both have hand me downs, which are slowing fading. Figured I'd put the 2 together and make one decent computer for Adam, and get them 2 new ones. Dell has some pretty good deals going on - so I thought I'd like them

Dell Deal #1 - Dell Dimension E521 Computer with 17 inch monitor $399 (Reg. $629)

Dell Deal #2 $415 off Inspiron 1521

There are more deals - just IM or email me if you need the e-value code

Dell Vostro Mini Tower Computer with 19 inch monitor $449 was $739
Dell Dimension E521 with 19 inch monitor $469 was $789
Dell Dimension 9200 Computer with 20 inch monitor $699 was $1099
Dell Optiplex 320 $449 was $722 exp 7/25

Have fun shopping


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