Peggy's Quilt

Peggy's Quilt - Peggy is the BFF of my "sister" Gige.  Peggy has had some shit thrown at her for sure, but she still is smiling every single time I see her.  She often comes with Gige when they come take one of my kids out for their birthday.  She does that, no matter how tired she is, so that Gige never has to drive alone.  Peggy's husband committed suicide - that would be hard enough to live through, but then her son, Scott, also committed suicide.  I can't imagine.  He was only 30 years old.  His entire life ahead of him. There is so much to learn about mental health and so much more we could do to prevent the pain of loosing a loved one ..... I personally know the pain of depression, and the angst that depression can cause on loved ones.

Anyway - Gige asked me if I would take Scott's clothing and make a quilt out of them.  Peggy still had them all in a tote.  They dropped off the tote during one of their birthday visits.  It was hard for me to go through them, and I didn't even know him.  But I do know Peggy - and her favorite color is purple.  She LOVES purple.  Funny thing is that Gige hates purple.  Peggy also celebrates her Irishness.  With her flaming red hair, who wouldn't ?   So I tried to incorporate both traits in her quilt top.

Now - off to the quilter, once I lint-roll it for threads and cat hair.  I had no pattern for this quilt - I pieced it together as I went.  I didn't even know what size it was until I went to put on that last border - it ended up being 100" by 102"  Big enough for a king size quilt.  I will update this post when I get it back from the quilter.

I linked this post to the Design Wall Monday @ Patchwork Times.  Go check out what everyone else is working on !

Adding a photo of the finished product -- now that the receiver has gotten it and loves it. 


Nann said…
Bless you for making this quilt. Peggy is one strong woman!

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