Adam's best swim meet ever !

Most of my swimming posts are about my super swimmer - Leenah.  But my son may have some dreams of greatness of his own.  Somehow Leenah convinced him that he could make a Junior Olympic time - and that we could all go to Penn State this summer (She will age up before the next summer JO's - so she cannot compete there anymore)   He came out and went off the blocks with every intention of trying to make it.  And he came close.  Closer than I ever thought he'd get.  He lost time in every event he swam.  I'm not sure which I was more impressed with, his 5 second lost on his 50 free with a perfect flip turn, his 7 second loss with his 50 back, with another perfect turn, or his 12 second loss on his 100 free - and he swam with purpose every stroke, and when his coaches told him to kick, he kicked his little heart out.  He was amazing.  There isn't a prouder mother in the entire world today.  This little man, born at only 23 weeks, was not given much of a chance to live, much less a chance to survive.  He was 1 lb 3 ounces when born.  I was told if he did survive he'd be severely brain damaged ....  but we never gave up, and neither did he.  My friends all send positive vibes, prayers, emails, phone calls, more prayers, whatever they thought would help, and it did.  God was listening.  And He still is.


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