September, 2012 - New Beginnings

Although New Years Day usually is the start of all the new Resolutions, new challenges, new ideas - I think the beginning of a new school year is a great time to challenge ourselves to be better.
As summer is slowly drawing to a close, I can sit and take time to reflect on what I wanted to do but didn't, and why didn't I? #1 Beach --- I went exactly once. VERY BIG SIGH Once? I have 4 children ! Once? VBS again. #2 Fishing --- We did go out often with Christopher Robin - maybe even try tomorrow for one last day - although not sure the boat will be going out. $$$ - going to the beach would have been cheaper !
#3 Lose Weight --- Well, that didn't happen. I think the end of summer found me heavier than I was at the beginning of summer ! #4 Spend more time with Family --- this happened in a way - not the way I planned, with everyone gathered around the pool, sharing good times and laughs - but we all flew to Michigan together and shared my father's 82nd birthday with his twin brother and all the cousins and Aunts and Uncles we could round up. THAT was fun. #5 Do School Work with the younger 3 --- this didn't happen at ALL ! So, as I go over everything - why didn't I do much of anything? I was too busy ! Too busy doing what? Cooking, cleaning, taking care of the lawn, fixing things that were broken, more cooking and cleaning, lots of laundry, swim practices, tennis practices, swim meets that take me away from home 4 or 5 days at a time. Whew - OK - so now I know where summer went - the question remains - what can I do about it? Nothing. Not much at least. There isn't much more I can do than enjoy every single moment that I manage to snatch for myself. Enjoy every speck of time spent listening to the kids laugh. And just because they are back in school - doesn't mean it's the end of our time together. It'll just be tougher to plan - but I'm thinking maybe a trip to 6 Flags for the next Jewish holiday when they are off !


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