Snow, more glorious snow !

I love snow - it's clean, it makes life slow down (as long as your not at a swim meet 70 miles from home) It took all of one hour yesterday to build our snowman - great snow for packing. Our tunnels and forts held up well - and with todays additional accumulation - we'll expand our empire - once of course, mom shovels the yellow brick road (also known as the driveway)

Before I start getting emails about the dangers of snow tunnels collapsing - we did indeed discuss how heavy the snow would be - especially for the little man of the family. The kids know they cannot play outside alone in the tunnels - and mom's eye will always be watching as well.

So get out there and enjoy the snow - it's great exercise - and the kids will always remember how much fun you were (very important since they choose your nursing home!)

Just remember to keep your butt down when doing the army crawl !


Marti said…
I remember snow tunnels being the most fun! And no, mom didn't even know I was out there. ;)

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