Good Morning

Off to a good start this morning - our holidays should be this weekend - looking forward to it. Some of the gifts I got the girls came from Amazon - a underwater digital camera for under $100, and a pretty decent looking digital video camera also under $100 (they were both around $75 each) Gotta love new technology prices ! Keeping an eye out for a new laptop. Our last one we gave away to BIL our last trip overseas - I need to replace it - be nice to be able to do work while the girls are swimming. Plus it's nice to stay in touch when we're on vacation !

DD #1 is starting 6th grade today. She's only 10 - so I'm not pushing her - but needless to say, I've very proud of her. We use Calvert as our homeschool curriculum provider - I love having everything in one package - especially with 3 of them in 3 different grades ! In 6th grade, the lesson manual is more directed at the student - so she'll be able to set her own pace. I did tell her that she would be responsible for 5 lessons a week - she can chose to do all 5 over the weekend and take the entire week off, or do one a day, whatever works best for her. Hopefully she'll be responsible enough to stay on track without additional motivation from mom.

On the weight loss front - doing much better. Finally broke down and admitted what my problem is with food. As a child - there never seemed to be enough. When we had hamburgers - we each got one hamburger - if you were still hungry - too bad - cause there wasn't anymore.
Now - I can afford to cook everyone as many hamburgers as they want, and I usually do. Problem is - I eat them as well. I need to learn that we have enough food. That if we do run out of something - I can easily go out and buy more. I'm in charge. The more I realize that my weight problem is more a mental thing - the more I can deal with it.

Thinking of getting my dh a gift certificate for a personal trainer. He keeps talking about loosing weight, but he's not doing much about it. He's been eating late at night again - and during this time of fasting - I think he's actually gaining weight - not loosing LOL. I figure with a personal trainer to help him work out, and plan healthy snacks - it'll benefit us all. Still looking for just the right person.

Off to start my day - have a great Wednesday everyone !


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