Early Garden

There is really nothing I like better than working barefoot in my garden.  It's still pretty cool here at the Jersey shore, especially for May.   Right now Alexa tells me it's only 57*, with a high of 61* and a low of 48*.   Great weather to work outside, but not warm enough for things to really grow.

I do have some things going - my planter that I got from Sam's --- love this, makes having lettuce and herbs right outside my door both accessible and attractive.
As I pull the lettuce or kale out, I can simply replace with smaller plants or seeds.  I keep it really close to the house, so although it does get morning sun, it's in shade for the hottest parts of the day, and that helped all the herbs not to bolt last year.  The only downside is that it doesn't hold much water, so watering every 3rd day or so is necessary.

Also loving the look of my step flowers this year.  
They are quickly growing right up the flower trellises I purchases.  I bought good metal ones that I can use over and over.  I think I need a new bright welcome mat though !  You can also see my little lemon tree up on a stool and there are a few extra tomato plants in containers that didn't fit in the garden.

I have raised beds for a garden here.  Not enough space for a full on fenced garden, but it's enough to keep me happy, and provide some fresh veggies for the family.  
By the time Sham gets home from Columbia, the lettuce will be ready to be picked.  The pepper plants behind them look sad ... so cool out, they'll grow when it gets warmer.  There are 2 more rows of lettuce that should sprout soon, succession planting keeps us in fresh lettuce for about a month.  My garlic is doing wonderful.  I planted a lot of that this year - I'll take more photos later... but if you've never tried fresh garlic - I highly recommend it, you'll hate going back to grocery store garlic after using fresh !


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