Design Wall Monday

I know it's only Friday, but the way my weekends have been going lately - it's better early then never!  To see what others are working on - check out Judy's blog at Patchwork Times.

Finished the 3rd and 4th blocks of my Moon Glow BOM.  I really like BOM's because I make myself stay caught up - never letting myself get more than a month behind.  That way, at the end of the year, I'll have 2 really nice size quilts to get shipped off to a quilter (which, I'm still looking for a replacement for Margaret .... VBS) 

Right now the quilt is darker than I thought it might be - I'm hoping when all the blocks are together it might pop more, but I still love the overall look of the quilt.  Not sure I'll be able to gift this one when finished. 


Debbie said…
Lovely blocks...have that pattern stashed away!

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