Crockpot Hawaiian Ribs

This recipe was posted on Stephanie’s A Year of Slow Cooking blog earlier this week. The same day I read it, I was in the grocery store, and beef ribs were on sale - that NEVER happens.  So I scooped up all 3 packages, and made these Hawaiian Ribs.  ALL 4 of my kids liked 'em.  My husband liked 'em.  Even I thought they were excellent.  This recipe definately gets printed out and stored in the master recipe box (only the best recipes make it there)  I thought about taking photos of the finished product, but my hands were sticky, and I knew if I left the table long enough to wash and get my camera, my share of the remaining ribs would be long gone by the time I returned - so no photos, also no leftovers.  Today, Judy from Patchwork Times posted that the very same recipe caught her eye - so it's fated that of the very few blogs I do subscribe to, brought up Hawaiian Ribs (I think those 2, Pioneer Woman, and 1 or 2 Homeschooling blogs are the sum of what I keep track of)

Anyway, give those ribs a try - you won't be sorry !  On the quilting front, my fathers 80th birthday quilt is nearing completion, which is a good thing since his birthday is next week !  It ended up being larger than I planned, but I guess that's a good thing.  Photos of that will definately follow - hopefully by this weekend when I can post it as finished !


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