Thanksgiving and Leaves

I can't believe the amount of leaves that have fallen this year. We were the first in the neighborhood to start piling ours (the township provides a super vaccuum truck that comes around a few times to pick them up and turn them into mulch for next spring). Since I wanted to get the yard in shape for fertilizing - we started early. Our pile was easily the biggest around (still is) now it's a good 10 feet long, 4 foot high, and the yard is still covered - what is up with that? Amazing. Thankfully the weather has been nice for the last couple of days - so while I'm "back to school" for an hour or so - the girls will be left to rake ! The mean green machine makes an easier job of it - but it's still lots of work.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Trying to convince my mom to drive up from Florida to cook dinner. She's got a bum knee - it's been replaced once - but I think something must have went wrong, because she's been in more pain since it's been replaced then she was before.

Lots to do today - but one of the first things is mailing out a SS package. I belong to an online quilting group - since I don't have much time to join a real life quilting group - for now it fits my needs. I've met some of these wonderful ladies on quilt retreats over the years - talk about fun ! I think I need one of those relaxing vacations soon - but never enough time !


What a gorgeous quilt. I've got a BOM sampler ready to put together, someday. Yours is so cheery.

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