Design Table Monday

Woke up this morning and realized I had nothing to show for Design Wall Monday hosted by Judy at Patchwork Times. So, while dh was watching the U.S. Open - I steadily stitched away until I had the binding completely hand sewn on my buttefly quilt. It does still need a label - but be assured that will be attached before the quilt is folded and packed away until it needs to be gifted.


Brenda said…
Very nice quilt!!! Especially now that fall is on it's way, it's sure nice to see the butterflies flying around!!! Thanks!!!
What a beautiful butterfly quilt and the angel wings panto is perfect! Someone special will be very happy to be gifted with this treasure :)
Zlaty said…
I love your butterfly quilt! Very pretty and the use of two color color frames!

Happy sewing!

Laura said…
so pretty! Was this a teaching tool for the girls to learn about different butterflies?!

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