The Strong Woman

Where Have I Been, You Ask?

Becoming a Strong Woman. Not physically strong, although I can now leg press over 200 lbs. (thanks Ivan) - but a woman who is ready to meet her own goals. Not goals that others think I should have, but goals that I have set for me.

Goal #1 - My Relationship with God - getting much better and stronger. While God has always held a place in my heart and mind - lately he's been pushed further and further aside because I don't "have time". Isn't that just the silliest thing you've heard. Takes all of 5 minutes to pray - I'll make time.

Goal #2 - My Goal as a Wife - My dh and I rarely fight. We do disagree, but we really don't spend all that much time together to fight about much. He leaves most of the family decisions up to me, and I consult him on ones that may affect him. It works for both of us. But we were getting more and more distant. Since I've become a Stronger Woman - I've spent more time with him, even if it meant missing a 5 a.m. call at the gym. The closeness we've rediscovered make everything worthwhile.

Goal #3 - My Goal as a Parent - My kids are getting to that point where they need me to be more of a parent and less of a friend. Don't get me wrong, I'm still there for them when they need me to be a friend, but I've laid down the law, and this time I'm sticking to it, and happily - it's working. Their rooms remain mostly clean, the upstairs hallway is clear and passable, and the upstairs bathroom could be used by a guest without hesitation. Schoolwork is getting done, we are using Webkinz as a reward system - I even have my first Webkinz.... don't ask ;)

Goal #4 - My Goal for My Health - Yep, not talking about my weight, although it is going down. I bought a new "journal" - Strangely enough called "The Strong Women's Journal" I bought mine at Borders but it's the same price here -

It's the first time I've stuck with anything for longer than a week since I first started WW years and years ago. Not so much of a "this is the way it must be done" but an excellent tool for tracking progress, staying motivated, and reaching nutritional and fitness goals. I've also been steadily going to the gym, and trying so very hard to cook healthier.

Goal #5 - #10 - Still working on those, but they would include finishing college (set for March, 2010) and finding more time to quilt. Also need to set up a better housekeeping schedule so it doesn't seem like I'm cleaning every minute. Time to teach the girls how to keep their own homes. Need to be satisified with the stuff I already have - no need to buy new stuff, just so I can have the best stuff, or the most recent stuff - too much stuff now - I am trying to focus on blessing others with some of my stuff - less stuff means a free mind - and I could really use that.

Anyway - that's what I've been up to. Nothing too fancy - just day to day life her at the Jerzyshore .... next time - I'll tell you about my CVS steals and deals - it's my new favorite store.


TobyBo said…
Hi Jerzy,

I am not sure if you remember me from Healthy Moms but you used to talk about something you made with fava beans in it... could you possibly give me the name or point me to a recipe for it? I'd love to try it!

Thanks and it's been nice to catch up a bit here.


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