Last Day of May

Went to WW this a.m. - The subject again was storyboarding - and what surprised me (well, not really) was that my backrow mate and I both started with the same word - Journaling. The first step in WW. Why don't I journal every bite? I used to. We were taught "if you bite it, write it" but somewhere along the way, I lost the habit.

Posting my storyboard this week next to my desk, at least I'll see it every day, and have no excuse NOT to journal.

If I just do one step each week - adding something new to the step before, I'll be back on track by mid-July - and I'll be where I want to be by the time we go visit our old WW leader down South - so, that's my goal.

Menu is made for most of the week -

Today we had waffles - higher in points - but since it's both breakfast and lunch, it's ok. Dinner tonight is turkey on the grill with mashi rice (white rice made with onions, cabbage, dill, cilantro, tomato paste - totally good for you) I'll make a cake with pumpkin again - kids like it last time. Or maybe I'll try brownies this time around !

CS Jerzy


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