Home From Puerto Rico !!

It was a wonderful trip - if you ever have the opportunity - GO !! No need to worry about making advanced reservations (unless you NEED 4 start hotels) easy enough to just walk along the beach until you see something with a For Rent sign on it - call the phone number (take your cell) and usually you'll be sleeping near the beach for way less then the cost of the hotel. As an added plus - you'll most likely have access to a full kitchen - and there are grocery stores in every town (be prepared for crowded parking lots!!) I'm going to work on posting a much longer do / don'ts post - to give some insight - but a quick post to let you know it was awesome !!

Course - I did gain some weight while I was there - but my next WW meeting isn't until Saturday - so I have all week to drop it ! Actually, I didn't do too bad - it is Mango season right now - and the mangos were wonderful - and free. You just picked them up off the ground, wash them, and eat them. Can't get much fresher than that !!

I'll check in soon with my menu's for the week, as well as some new recipes to try. Found a GREAT website (thanks Lisa) with tons of WW friendly recipes - including a snickers pie that will definately be on my dessert list next week !! Check Out Jamie's Kitchen


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